Ladies 1984 Stay Hungry Tour Twisted Sister Racerback Tank Top


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This ladies Twisted Sister racerback tank top shows band members Eddie Ojeda, Jay Jay French, Dee Snider, Mark Mandoza, and A. J. Pero posing in a black and white promotional photo for their 1983 Stay Hungry tour of the United States of America.

In 1984, Twisted Sister released their third studio album, Stay Hungry. The album included the hit songs “We’re Not Gonna Take It” and “I Wanna Rock”, and it became a massive hit. Twisted Sister hit the road in the United States for a tour in 1984. The tour’s set list included “Burn in Hell”, “Stay Hungry” and “The Price”.

For any fan of Twisted Sister’s classic heavy metal album, this Ladies 1984 Stay Hungry Tour Twisted Sister Racerback Tank Top is a must have!